Daodejing 電子書籍 by Laozi, Edmund Ryden, Benjamin Penny Basic Books; 発売日:2015年3月3日; レーベル:Basic Books; 商品番号: 9780465040575; 言語: 英語; ダウンロード形式:EPUB 2 (Adobe DRM) アプリ(無料)をダウンロード.
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Dieses Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuch basiert auf der Idee der freien Weitergabe von Wissen. Mehr dazu Enthält Übersetzungen von der TU Chemnitz sowie aus Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (Englisch/Deutsch). Vielen Dank dafür! 鍛えられた弾力ボディ。スチュワーデスを夢見た清純女。ふかふかとクリームのようなサービス 鍛えられた弾力ボディ。スチュワーデスを夢見た清純女。ふかふかとクリームのようなサービス Daodejing老子道徳経-9780199208555 [oxford-007296] Dao De Jing – The Way and Its Power The naturalist, individualist and politic doctrine of Lao-tse exhibited in 81 poetic and obscure texts. Tr. Waley (en), Lau (en), Julien (fr) and Wilhelm (de). We put thirty spokes together and call it a The Tao Te Ching /ˌtaʊtiːˈtʃɪŋ/[1] (simplified Chinese: 道德经; traditional Chinese: 道德經; pinyin: Dàodé Jīng [tâu tɤ̌ tɕíŋ] (listen)),[a] also known as Lao Tzu or Laozi,[6] is a Chinese classic text traditionally credited to the 6th-century BC sage Laozi. The text's authorship, date of composition and date of Daodejing (literally means "The Book of the Way and its Virtue") was written by Laozi. Laozi was a sage. People believe the book was written around 600 BC. Dàodéjīng, zuòzhě Lǎozǐ. Lǎozǐ shì …
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